Sensations Vibrator Help

    Proper function of the vibrator requires that the Sensations Core HUD from the Sensations Starter Kits also be worn. The vibrator attaches the stomach.

    Touching your vibrator brings up a dialog:

    Help... - Display the help menu, allowing notecard, online and FAQ help.
    Touchable - Toggles touchability by others.
    Update - Update the scripts in your organ at the
    Deactivate - Completely stops the function of the penis, regardless of the state changes
    reported by the core.
    Vibe On - Turns the vibrator on at the lowest level.
    Vibe Off - Turns the vibrator completely off.
    Turn Up - Turns the level of the vibrator up by one of 5 possible levels.
    Turn Down - Turns the level of the vibrator down by one of 5 possible levels.
    Colors... - Brings up a color selection menu.

    This menu will additionally list "self" action buttons specified in the Settings notecard.

    There is 1 premade "self" action:

    Other people touching your vibrator brings up this dialog:

    This menu will additionally list "action" buttons specified in the Settings notecard.

    There are 2 premade "actions":

    Additional actions can be added using the Settings notecard

    Sensations has allow and ignore lists to ban specific people from touching, or for allowing people to touch even when touching is restricted. Please see the Settings notecard within the vibrator for more information.