Sensations Link Messages

    === Collar ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    33 none primary owner key Sent by collar script when setting primary owner
    34 none secondary owner key Sent by collar script when setting a secondary owner
    35 none none Sent by collar script when clearing all owners
    36 none none Sent by collar scrpt when clearing secondary owners
    40 new prefix Sensations channel
    (deprecated use 829)
    Sent by collar when the prefix changes or
    in response to 47 with nullstr in parameters
    41 command text sender key Collar script forwards alternate channel command text (unfiltered)
    45 command text sender key Collar script forwards public channel command text (unfiltered)
    47 CSV secondary
    owner list
    primary owner key Collar script sends at startup or in response to 47 with nullstr in parameters
    with group owners turned on
    48 prefixless command text sender key Collar script filters non-commands and strips prefix
    51 CSV group
    owner list
    none Collar script sends at startup or
    in response to 47 with nullstr in parameters
    56 label text or
    none Character Script(s) respond by setting the label prims
    nullstr sets the label to the first name of the wearer
    57 color vector none Utility script responds by setting the color of the Character Tiles
    58 CSV settings texture key New style label font texture and CSV character, scale and offset list
    59 none avatar key Collar script responds by popping up a menu for avatar
    61 none none Collar script responds by playing yes master/mistress sound if enabled
    62 owner buttons secondary buttons Buttons separated by | if more than one.
    (Reset if both are null prior to v8. v8 and later should use the 827 message to reset)
    63 sub buttons unowned sub buttons Buttons separated by | if more than one.
    64 animation name
    avatar key Starts animation name initiated by avatar
    Starts the next animation initiated by avatar
    Releases the playing animation if allowed by avatar
    65 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Collar script sends the locked state when it changes or
    when plugins update.
    66 none none Collar script sends when the safeword has been used so plugins
    can release anything they are doing.
    67 banned word count total count Speech restriction script sends and zaps when a banned word is spoken.
    68 none none Secondary Speech Restriction script is changing sliptext
    69 none none Speech Restriction script notifies other scripts that the sub is being punished
    121 couples animname avatar key Collar scripts requests a couple animation (hug/kiss/etc) with avatar
    122 couples animname avatar key Collar scripts requests a couple animation (hug/kiss/etc) with avatar (owner initiated)
    126 seconds
    none Collar script sends couples animation time in seconds
    0 for infinite
    127 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Collar script sends reversed couples animation flag
    130 none none Restrained Life plugin reinstates all restrictions

    === Leash ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    32 none none Leash Script responds by toggling the command listener
    37 none none Leash Script responds by enabling NC mode
    38 none none Leash Script responds by disabling NC mode
    39 none none Leash Script responds by toggling leash mode
    42 none avatar key Leash Script responds by listening for a post from avatar
    43 none none Leash Script responds by updating the leash (releash)
    44 avatar name avatar key Leash Script responds by leashing/unleashing avatar
    46 none avatar key Leash Script responds by toggling leash check by avatar
    49 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Leash Script responds by changing the leash generator mode
    50 CSV Particle Settings
    target key
    Leash Script sends the particle settings and leash target
    null turns off particles

    === Cuffs ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    350 name none Plugin sends target name
    351 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Suspension plugin changes the suspended state
    352 lockmeister command source key Lockmeister handling script forwards lockmeister messages to other scripts
    353 Mute
    optional clothes
    optional clothes
    optional channel

    DEPRECATED in Sensations v5, Cuffs v6 - Do NOT use.

    Use 826 or 828 with the collar commands instead with the new unified RLV plugin.

    Item sends RLV request with optional parameter
    Minus before to remove

    354 Deaf
    avatar key Adds or removes Restrained Life exception request for avatar
    Minus before to remove
    355 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    viewer version Restrained Life plugin notifies other scripts that the viewer is active and version

    === Pose ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    403 pose name # of poses in set Pose request
    404 | separated params pose number Pose response


    swap/rot offset
    poseball command
    height adjustment
    poseball #
    Pose command
    406 poseball # poseball key Poseball has been rezzed
    407 poseball # avatar key Avatar sat on poseball
    408 (display) name avatar key Avatar has touched the object, check if we should display a menu
    409 | separated params none Anim script sends on "Announce" current pose information for optimization and display

    === Prim Animator ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    476 # of frames none Animator sends notifying other that x frames were loaded
    475 Animation ID Animation set Animator will load animation set specified by ID and optional set
    477 Frame Animation set Animator will switch to the frame specified and optional set
    484 Command

    Loop, None, Ping Pong
    0 or 1
    Animator responds to a number of commands and options.
    * Plays the animation
    * Stops a playing animation
    * Sets the delay between frames to x seconds
    * Changes the looping mode
    * Enables or disables reversing the frame order
    485 none none Player will respond with with 476

    === Animation Override ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    996 walking anim standing anim Enable special AO with specified walking and standing anims
    997 none none Disable special AO
    998 unique id 1 or null AO script responds by turning the AO on (enables full AO if key param is 1)
    999 unique id 1 or null AO script responds by turning the AO off (disables full AO if key param is 1)

    === Organ ===

    Number String Parameter Key Parameter Description
    777 none none Organ script indicates the penis should go flaccid (this gets sent on reactivate as well)
    778 none none Organ script indicates the penis should go erect
    779 color vector tint texture key Organ or extras script sends tint and texture
    780 none none Hide organ and deactivate
    781 none none Organ script indicates orgasm particles should start
    782 none
    target key
    Get particle target and reply
    both null requests key... replies with key
    783 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Set testicle visibility (herm)
    786 show list hide list Utility script responds by showing/hiding prim list (| separated list)
    787 text avatar key Utility script responds saying /me (has/have) text and using avatar name
    788 text avatar key Utility script responds saying /me (is/are) text and using avatar name
    789 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Organ script sends the old touchable state when changing and utility script responds
    790 type name none Data script sends type
    792 text avatar key Utility script responds saying text and using avatar name
    794 none avatar key Organ scripts sends and utility script responds with touch message using avatar name
    795 color name or
    color vector
    prim name or
    Organ or extras script sends and utility script responds changing the color or vector sent
    to prims named by the organ type if key is null or name passed
    797 volume 0 to 10 none Data script sends Volume
    799 none avatar key Organ script sends and Data script responds playing animation and sounds using avatar
    800 CSV Lockmeister targets active state Data script sends a CSV list of lockmeister targets and active state
    801 arousal stage arousal amount Organ script sends and data script responds playing stage message
    803 none none Organ script indicates particles should start and data script responds playing orgasm text
    805 none none Organ script relays horny message from the core and data script responds playing horny text
    808 button list level list
    level or 0
    Plugin script sends | separated button list and level (applies to all) or list of levels (one for each button)
    A 0 or empty level field will cause the button to be added for all
    809 prim list texture key Utility script responds by changing the prim list's (| separated list) texture
    810 pain stage pain amount Organ script sends pain stage and data script reponds playing pain stage message
    811 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Organ script sends requesting data script reload. TRUE does full reload, FALSE just reloads Settings.
    812 none none Organ script responds by announcing the Sensations menu channel. (829)
    813 max arousal none Data script send Max arousal value
    814 avatar name or
    avatar key
    none Data script sends ignoree
    815 avatar name or
    avatar key
    none Data script sends allowee
    816 animation name none Data script sends masturbate animation name
    817 animation name none Data script sends orgasm animation name
    818 none none Organ script indicates masturbation starting and data script responds playing masturbate start text
    819 none none Organ script indicates masturbation stopping and data script responds playing masturbate stop text
    820 text|avatar|base|page|previous button list (| separated) Utility script responds by generating a dynamic menu
    menu text|avatar key|base menu name|page number|previous menu button
    821 command item type Utility script responds by forwarding a command to worn items of type specified (key)
    NOTE: Currently the key field must be nullstr which sends to an item of the same type until security has been evaluated.
    822 none none Organ script indicates orgasm starting and data script responds playing orgasm sounds
    823 action name none Organ script sends a verified action back (not a dupe so data script can add it to the list)
    824 CSV menu list none Menu list sent when Settings loading complete. (use this to know when loading is complete)
    825 action notecard line Data script sends | separated: Action and original notecard line
    826 button command avatar key
    optional |name|popup
    Plugin script sends a command - Same as 828 except Organ script runs it through the filters; params are optional
    and if it passes, it forwards it back out as 828 - Plugins should use this for sending and avoid 828
    827 self button list
    other button list
    Plugin script sends | separated button lists
    null parameters requests update
    828 button command avatar key
    optional |name|popup
    Organ script sends command and avatar (optional params |name|popup) to plugins (DEPRECATED use v5 below)
    828v5 button command avatar key|name|popup|
    Organ script sends command and avatar, name, popup, verify code, source, level and page to plugins
    829 sensations channel none Organ script sends the command channel to plugins when it changs or during plugin update
    830 avatar name avatar key Organ script responds by display a touch menu for avatar
    831 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Organ and plugin scripts respond by changing auto touch (remenu)
    832 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Organ script respond by changing the release setting
    834 text none Utility script sends the broadcast text
    835 extra text none Organ script responds by setting action menu extra text
    836 category parameters Data script sends notecard line category and parameters during Settings loading
    837 menu text destination name Utility script responds but putting up a dialog with nearyby avatars with the menu text
    838 position destination avatar key Utility script sends a reply to the dialog choice with positon, destination and target
    check that the destination name is the same as specified in 837 to avoid conflicts from responses
    839 button list none Plugin script sends | separated button list: Look... menu - Buttons will be cleared on 827 update request
    841 part name avatar key Generate a color menu for color a item part for avatar (key)
    843 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Data or Utility script sends genitals flag
    844 TRUE (1)
    FALSE (0)
    none Data or Utility script sends vibrates flag
    846 mask bits Plugin sends flag mask and bits (key) to disable action buttons